National Round for Digital Challenge 2024

National Round for Digital Challenge 2024

The National Round for ICDL Digital Challenge was held online among 20 students from Jakar Higher Secondary School, Gedu Higher Secondary School, Phuentsholing Rigsar Higher Secondary School, Shaba Higher Secondary School, ParoTshangkha Central School – Trongsa, Wangduechhoeling Lower Secondary School, Yadi Central School, Monggar,Yurung Central School who were selected from the Preliminary Round on July 22. Students from each track and each category will represent Bhutan in the International Round in the next few months.

It was really heartening to see such enthusiasm among the participants, their teachers and management. BMCI team would like to express our gratitude to the sponsors,teachers,management and ICDL team for your guidance and support throughout the Challenge.

Michael ChiangYun MarkICDL Asia

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