Digital Challenge 2024

Digital Challenge 2024

50 students from Yurung Central School,Yadi Central School, Shaba Higher Secondary School, Wangduechhoeling LSS, Phuentsholing Rigsar Higher Secondary, Gedu Higher Secondary School, Jakar Higher Secondary School and Tshangkha Central School participated in the preliminary round of Digital Challenge 2024.

Out of the 50 students who participated, 38 of them received ICDL certification and 20 have advanced to the National Round of ICDL Challenge 2024.

The Students competed in the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Category in the following tracks:

  1. Business Track
  2. Design Track
  3. Emerging Technologies Track

In Primary Level

Business Track consist of Documents and Presentation

In Secondary Level,

Business Track consist of Presentation and Spreedsheets

Design Track consist of 3D Design

Emerging Technologies consisted of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things(IoT)

In Tertiary Level

Business Track consisted of Digital Marketing, Management and Spreadsheets

Design Track consist of 3D Design

Emerging Technologies consist of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data

The National Round will be held on July 22.

Best of luck to all the participants!

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